The Dog Island Wiki
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Zoomy Village
Gigili Village
Chiro Village
Snow Village
Rune Village
Gola Highlands
West Chilly Fields
Rune Canyon







Brown Bag


"They say I have no sense of direction. No wonder I can't deliver anything!"

Boris is a Dalmatian that will help you travel to different towns on your journey. He’s very friendly, fun, and overall helpful.


Boris appears in two stand-alone quests.

In his first quest, Boris can be found in Zoomy Village asking for help. He was supposed to be delivering some Firewood to Noble, but somehow got lost. It’s up to The Player to bring that Firewood to Noble.

In his second and final quest, Boris has had enough, and wants to know how he can cure his broken sense of direction. Since Dr. Potan was helping The Player’s sibling, Boris reasons that Alex may know a cure. Sadly, Alex says there is no cure, but mentions a compass might help. Alex then notes that compasses are quite expensive, and they should instead make their own using a Map Stone. the Map Stone can be found in the Hoya Plains, and after The Player clears this quest, they can use Boris to teleport to many parts of the island.


  • Boris’ bad sense of direction may be due to an disability, but this remains unclear.
  • It is advised to not rely on Boris too much, as traveling drains The Player’s Woofs fast if they are not careful! But if you have a lot of money, you should be fine for a long time.